Recent Catches 2024

Dion Woolhead fishing Swim 16 on the Specimen Lake from the 13-15 May, caught these lovely 4 Carp and 8 Catfish and said that this was the best he’s ever done on the Specimen Lake, well done Dion
14lbs Common
16lbs Mirror
24lbs Common
18lbs Catfish
21lbs Catfish
38lbs Catfish
24lbs Catfish
16lbs Common
20lbs Catfish
16lbs Catfish
52lbs Catfish

Neil Hancock made the long trip from Newport South Wales for his third trip here this past weekend, and it’s safe to say it was worth the journey.
Sunday morning whilst it was still dark his rod tore off with and what was on the end was non other than his new P.B. Catfish weighing an impressive 58lbs (think the smile shows just how happy he was). This 58lbs of power fell to a Catfish Bait UK Squid Stew Pellet, whilst fishing on the front of the Specimen Lake.
Cracking fish Neil well done and congratulations on your new P.B., we’re glad you enjoyed your trip and we will see you again very soon.
After unfortunately having their France trip cancelled due to the ‘lovely’ weather we’ve all been having this year, Milton Pools regulars Hal Gregory and his brother Simon decided a trip to Milton Pools was just what the doctor ordered.
Jumping onto swims 2 & 3 on the Specimen Lake Monday morning the two brothers stuck with the tactics which have worked so well for them in the past and sure enough the results came. In the end they landed a total of 16 fish between them, with the pick of the bunch being:
46lbs Catfish
27lbs Catfish
20lbs Catfish
19lbs Catfish
18lbs Catfish
26lbs Common
20lbs Common
20lbs Common
18lbs 6oz Common
16lbs 8oz Common
16lbs 8oz Common
18lbs 8oz Grass Carp
18lbs Grass Carp
As always well done lads some lovely fish. We will see you again in June.
Jake left us yesterday a very happy man after doing his first session of the year. Fishing peg 11 on the Specimen Lake, the Milton Pools regular managed to land himself this absolutely stunning 32lbs 2oz Common which was in immaculate condition and gave him a great fight. Big well done Jake great angling we look forward to seeing you again soon.
A message from Paul King fishing Swim 2/3 on the 29th April caught this lovely Catfish
“Thanks for your hospitality last week, we had a lovely time at your fishery
We are paul and Lana from weston on the green and i caught a 52 lb cat on a blooded eel pellet, Lana nearly had a heart attack when she netted it as it was the first catfish she had seen, we will definitely be back
Many thanks
James and Tom just left us this morning after doing 24hours on pegs 2 & 3 on the Specimen Lake during which they managed to land three fish which included two Catfish weighing 21lbs and 23lbs respectively and one Common weighing 20lbs. Well done lads see you again soon.
Well it was a weekend of firsts for Milton Pools regular Robbie and his friends Callan, Aidan and James. Fishing the Specimen Lake on pegs 1, 2, 3 & 18 for just over 48hours and they all managed to get a fish on the bank:
Robbie had a good number of Catfish out up to 35lbs 8oz, and then had his first ever Grass Carp weighing 24lbs 10oz (something which funny enough he’d been talking about earlier in the day) cracking fish Robbie well done.
Callan landed himself his first ever Catfish weighing a mighty 61lbs 8oz (definitely one he won’t be forgetting anytime soon) beast of a fish mate well done.
James who himself is new to fishing managed to bag himself an 18lbs Catfish and is now hooked and eager to get back for some more action. Well done James and welcome to this wonderful sport we call fishing.
Finally Aidan managed to get himself three Catfish on the bank up to 25lbs adding to the groups overall haul, fantastic fishing mate well done.
Well done to you all lads and we look forward to seeing you all again soon
Keen angler Angus (12) had a great couple of hours fishing last weekend catching 8 fish with this lovely Mirror being the pick of the bunch.
The young lad showed great fish care holding the fish low to the ground over both his net and unhooking mat, fantastic job mate well done
Kori had a huge surprise yesterday whilst fishing the House Lake…during the afternoon his rod went tearing off and what was on the other end was non other than a monstrous Catfish weighing 34lbs 7oz!
Luckily owner Ray was around to give him a hand weighing it before moving it across to the Specimen Lake so that it can continue to develop.
Safe to say the lads face shows how happy he was with his catch, well done on a lovely fish
After smashing his Catfish P.B. a few weeks ago, Charlie Beckett switched up the Specimen Lake for the House Lake for his most recent trip and had as he put it ‘barely any sleep and it was one of the most busy nights fishing I’ve had in ages.’
Fishing up on the high bank on pegs 1, 2 & 3 Charlie had a total of 3 Cats and 11 Carp during a 36hour session. Really glad you enjoyed your session and we will see you again soon.
Well…Paul does it again!
Milton Pools regular Paul Humphrey returned for another session after his Easter Weekend haul, however he was joined this time by his friend Tony, and the results were much of the same.
Arriving Sunday morning Paul & Tony did a quick 24hour session round the back of the Specimen Lake, and although their first two fish were Catfish, the Carp soon started showing their heads. By the time they left on Monday morning they had a catch rate of 50% with 8 fish being caught from a total of 16 runs with the biggest Catfish weighing 33lbs 2oz and the biggest Carp being a stunning Mirror weighing 27lbs 2oz.
Well done lads some absolutely cracking fish we look forward to seeing you again soon
Milton Pools regular Luke Shepherd enjoyed his first session of the year with a total of 7 runs which resulted in 5 fish being landed.
Arriving this past Friday and fishing peg 11 on the Specimen Lake’s motorway bank, Luke saw signs of fish early so quickly got set up and casted towards the showing fish and it wasn’t long before he caught his first carp, which was followed by another later on that evening. The following day it was more of the same with three fish coming in a short space of time. In the end Luke ended up with five Carp, weighing 11lbs, 16lbs, 19lbs, 20lbs and 26lbs respectively.
Fantastic angling mate well done and we look forward to seeing you again very soon.
Milton Pools regular Ollie jumped on pegs 4 & 5 on the Specimen Lake for a quick 24hour session Sunday night and managed to get three fish on the bank, two stunning Commons and another lump of a Catfish, (oh and a cheeky little Pike as well). Well done Ollie and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
This past weekend Dave Goodhew joined his friend Darren Gregory for his first session at Milton Pools and I think it’s safe to say he enjoyed himself…
Fishing round the back of the Specimen Lake on pegs 16 & 17, Dave managed to land himself two Carp, a 28lbs 5oz Mirror and a 27lbs Common, then during the night he managed to bag himself a 52lbs Caftfish…the smile says it all! Well done Dave and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Another couple of angler who enjoyed their bank holiday weekend was Jimmy Rusher, hopping into pegs 4 & 5 on our Specimen Lake on Easter Sunday, Jimmy had to wait until the early hours but it was worth the wait this cracking 28lbs 10oz Common. While his friend had a battle with a monstrous Cat during the night which resulted in a hefty 64lbs Catfish in the net. Well done lads and we’ll see you again soon.
Easter Weekend has been busy as ever here at Milton Pools and one angler who has definitely been enjoying himself is Milton Pools regular Paul Humphrey.
Arriving on Friday morning Paul decided it was worth trying his luck round the back of the Specimen Lake on peg 13 even after all the rain we’ve had lately…and how right he was, he left us this morning with a total 16 fish landed off of 20 runs.
Paul’s mega haul included:
26lbs 10oz Common
26lbs 8oz Mirror
22lbs 9oz Common
20lbs 4oz Common
20lbs 2oz Common
20lbs Catfish
19lbs 10oz Common
19lbs 6oz Common
18lbs 12oz Common
18lbs 2oz Common
18lbs Common
17lbs 2oz Common
16lbs 9oz Common
16lbs Common
15lbs 4oz Common
14lbs 4oz Common
Fantastic angling Paul, some absolutely stunning fish, that is a session to remember. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Dion Woolhead fishing on swims 16/17 caught these 4 carp over the Easter Weekend, well done Dion
Whilst fishing last weekend on pegs 4 & 5 on the Specimen Lake with his girlfriend for 36hours, Charlie Beckett caught his first ever Catfish weighing 37lbs. Then during the night his rod tore off again this time it was another Catfish weighing a monstrous 64lbs well and truly smashing his P.B.
Well done Charlie we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Milton Pools regular Hal Gregory returned this past weekend for his first session of the year. Hal, along with his friends Micky and Dave caught 5 fish between them including:
30lbs Common
15lbs 8oz Common
23lbs 8oz Catfish
17lbs 8oz Catfish
15lbs 8oz Catfish
Some stunning fish well done. Nice to see some of the Cats coming out fingers crossed that means the weather is starting to improve. We will see you all again very soon.
Well the weather is slowly starting to improve after a very cold and wet start to the year, and although the water levels are still the fish are starting to show their heads.
Last Thursday Milton Pools regular Paul popped in for a quick 24 hour session on peg 4 on the Specimen Lake and although it started slow as the evening went on the runs started, in the end Paul finished up with 6 fish with this brace of low 20’s being the pick of the bunch. Well done Paul and we will see you again for Easter Weekend.